Why We Chose Castellammare del Golfo, Sicily to Live

Ciao tutti! Buon Anno! We want to wish everyone a Happy & Healthy 2022!

Many people have reached out during the pandemic to ask how we found and bought our house in Sicily. The past 2 years have all of us asking big questions, reexamining what matters and how to live our best life. 

It's times like these when everyone rethinks their priorities and starts thinking about making their dream life into a reality. We have consulted with a number of you on buying a home in Italy and explained why we chose Sicily and Castellammare del Golfo. So we thought we should summarize and share that here with all of you.

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How We Found & Bought Our House In Sicily

How We Found & Bought Our House In Sicily

'You did WHAT??!!' Was a typical response from people when we told them we purchased a house in Sicily. Buying real estate in a foreign country is not for the faint of heart, but purchasing a property in Italy is on another level. We were able to make it through relatively unscathed with the help of my native Italian speaking husband, a ton of patience, and a trusted team to help navigate the Italian bureaucracy. Here's how we did it.

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